Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Plan of Action...

Ok, post 3. I just finished my workout for the day... Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD. They really should call it the CD of Death! I really enjoyed the stretches and the cool down though. No really, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and it makes me want to get up and do some more. I am sure this feeling will wear off any second now but I will savor it while it is here. I am sure tomorrow I will feel my body thank me for the workout.

So my plan of action... Since I can never effectively stick with a diet plan, I am going to make my own! Number 1 I am going to exercise, I know it is important and I would much rather stay active then just not eat anything. I am going to start out with a low calorie "meal plan" I don't want to call it a diet because I would rather it be a lifestyle change, and if I say diet, I am doomed for failure! I am going to steer clear of all junk food, potato chips, fries, fast food burgers, anything deep fried, and especially sweets! Now not to say that I won't have some of this food sporadically but on a regular basis definitely not! I am going to try and incorporate some more veggies into my everyday meals. I am hopefully going to change the way I look at eating! Right now, eating to me, is something you are supposed to do 3 times a day. I mean, you are supposed to eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner right? I'm hoping to change that a little bit, I would rather have small meals throughout the day and not just sit down and eat 3 large meals! I am going to try and size down my meals to where I only have one large meal a day! I am also going to give up all soft drinks, I have successfully switched to diet, however I tend to not drink water if I can have a soda, so I am going to stick with water. Possibly lemonade if I have to have something different. I am going to continue my Biggest Loser workouts, but hopefully add some sort of outside activity in with it! Now I am going to be logical, while I started my workouts today, my low cal meals are not going to start until Sunday or Monday. Matthew and I are going to do this together so I am encouraged by that. I just can't wait to see some results, as soon as I do, I know I will be motivated to keep going.

I better run, Huds just woke up from his nap! I'm sure carrying around a 30lb baby should burn some calories right?!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The anticipation is killing me...

Well, I haven't been able to post everyday like I had hoped. It is probably a good thing too! This weekend was not a good time for eating healthy. Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday were spent @ the church. Friday and Saturday we had to finish decorating and plan out the valentine banquet, which I think went quite well, so we ate junk. I tried not to eat to much and had some soup and half a sand. But Friday night we went to Ronnie's and had some delicious wings. I know I know, but I am back on track this week. Or I was until Matthew surprised me with valentine candy last night!!! Like I said I love love love candy, so now I have a ginormous box of chocolates calling my name. I am one that just can't throw food away, I hate the thought of wasting that money, but I really hate the thought of eating all that chocolate. I think I am going to bring some to work and let my co-workers get fat lol! I really is difficult to stay on track though, it makes me wonder why there is even food that is that bad for you. Wouldn't weight loss be so much easier if non of that junk food was at our fingertips. I know if I had to eat healthy, I would probably just starve but I think I would adjust. I am really trying though, I am determined to lose enough weight where I am comfortable with myself. I don't care about being a size 4 but I want to feel like I look good... But it takes time. That is the part that stinks huh... thus the "anticipation is killing me" You make the conscious decision to change and then see no results for weeks or even months. I know dieting is supposed to be slow, but when it comes down to me losing 1-2 pounds a week or eating my cheeseburger and maintaining my weight... Gosh the cheeseburger sounds great! However, I am determined to find something that works for me, I will most likely have to dream up my own "custom" program but nonetheless, I am going to find something that I can stick with and make this work. I joked with someone yesterday that, I am just going to eat what I what and not worry about my weight because the Lord is coming back soon and then I will get a perfect body. As true as that is, I'd still like to have a better body now. I know the Bible says our body is supposed to be the temple of God and right now I am not a very attractive temple! But hey we will get there!!! Thanks for the comments ladies, it is encouraging to know that I am not the only one going through this battle...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is the Anticipation of skinny...

One may ask... what is anticipation of skinny? Well Webster defines anticipation several ways!
1. Realization in advance; foretaste
2. Expectation or hope
3. Mental attitude that influences a response

So what is the relevance between anticipation and skinny you may ask? Well let me explain myself. Who doesn't have the desire to be skinny, or to be healthy and fit? To go to the store, everything fits, looks nice and your appearance is flawless. Well the truth is your appearance will never truly be flawless. Every person will always have flaws that they just can't look past, something that lingers in their mind that hinders the observation of their own beauty.

I have set myself out on a weight loss, lifestyle change journey. Now anyone who knows me knows I can not stick to a diet PERIOD. I just have no will power, but then I was thinking today, thinking of how it must feel to be thin and beautiful! How much better would I feel if I did not look in the mirror everyday and think, oh man, I look big. Sometimes I even kid myself to think that I look alright, that I am OK with this weight but then I see a picture, when I think I look my best, the picture shows my worst. I am a very wishy washy person, thus the lack of self determination to stick with a diet, however, I am determined this time to make a change. Now, I love love love junk food and candy, problem #1. Problem #2 no will power, so this isn't looking to promising right. At least it will be some good reading, I am hopefully going to use this blog as a sort of accountability. I am not sure if anyone will read it, well I will make my Husband read it, but if you do I hope you are the same kind of person I am and decide to make this journey with me.

Let's take a look at my weight journey... We will start in high school a mere 6 years ago. Back then I was not a big girl, I thought I was because all my friends wore size 4 and 6. I thought wearing a size 10-12 might as well label me as Big Bertha. Boy was I wrong, if I could only squeeze into that 10 or 12 I'd be ecstatic. After high school I put on around 10 pounds no big deal, still could wear most of what I wanted to. Then I got married, the doom of it all. Eating out, the freedom to buy whatever food I wanted without my mom looking over my shoulder, or having to tell me I don't need to drink so much soda. Who doesn't gain weight when they get married?? I know my husband and I did, but you know men, they can drop it like nothing! So after about 2 years of marriage another little surprise, I'm pregnant. What didn't I eat when I was pregnant I mean seriously. At least I am honest about it, I was a pig! Well 16 months and a c-section later, I am still packing 10 pounds baby weight and about 30 post high school weight. Which gets me where I am today... tired of being big! Thus my title, "the anticipation of skinny"
I have an expectation or hope to one day look good in a clingy dress, to be able to go to the store and not hide the size I pick up, to not hold up my pants and think I could hang them on a 50 foot flag pole! I am making a mental decision to make a response so here it goes, this is entry number 1. The first day of the rest of my life... I must break my addiction to food! I often joke and say I don't have the will power to be anorexic and it is true! Anyone who wants to join me, let me know... we can do it! So HERE WE GO!